As the world becomes more digital and people spend more time on their phones, developers are finding new ways to present information in order to keep users engaged. This article discusses how navigation styles can be used in multi-platform apps to make them feel like they belong on each platform.
The doublecolumnnavigationviewstyle is a navigation style that allows for apps to be displayed with two columns.
In a multiplatform project, show how to utilize the Sidebar, SplitView, TabView, and Navigation styles.
The following is the fundamental type of navigation utilizing a NavigationView, List, and NavigationLink:
var colors: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View import SwiftUI struct Content [Color] = [.red,.green,.blue,.yellow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .purple] body variable: some View NavigationView List ForEach NavigationView List ForEach NavigationView List ForEach NavigationView List ForEach NavigationView List ForEach Navigation (1…5, id: .self) val in NavigationLink(destination: ViewLevel2(linkText: String(val), color: colors[val-1]), val in NavigationLink(destination: ViewLevel2(linkText: String(val), color: colors[val-1]) .font(.largeTitle).foregroundColor(colors[val-1]).padding() Text(“Link(val)”).font(.largeTitle).foregroundColor(colors[val-1]) View var link struct ViewLevel2: “Test” is the text. color: var .black color body variable: some View VStack is an acronym for Virtual Stack. .font(.largeTitle).padding Text(“ViewLevel2”) () .font(.title).foreground Text(“Text: (linkText)”) COLOR(COLOR) COLOR(COLOR) COLOR(COLOR) COLOR(COLOR
The.navigationViewStyle() modification may be used to change the default behavior of NavigationView. You may choose from the following options:
- Only one view is shown at a time using StackNavigationViewStyle().
- The DoubleColumnNavigationViewStyle() method shows two views in a “split view” format.
It’s worth noting that SwiftUI lacks a direct counterpart of UIKit’s UISplitViewController. NavigationView, on the other hand, enables you to accomplish a similar result.
NavigationView.navigationViewStyle(Stack) NavigationView.navigationViewStyle(Stack) NavigationView.navigationViewStyle(Stack) NavigationView. “Single View” (NavigationViewStyle()) .navigationViewStyle(DoubleColumn) NavigationView.navigationViewStyle(DoubleColumn) NavigationView.navigationViewStyle(DoubleColumn “Split View” is the NavigationViewStyle() method.
The app’s appearance on different devices and orientations is as follows:
Portrait mode on iOS (iPhone 12 Pro Max)
Default settings (StackNavigationViewStyle) | DoubleColumnNavigationViewStyle | StackNavigationViewStyle |
The default style is the same. | The default style is the same. |
Landscape (iOS) (iPhone 12 Pro Max)
Default settings (DoubleColumnNavigationViewStyle) | DoubleColumnNavigationViewStyle | StackNavigationViewStyle |
![]() |
The default style is the same. | ![]() |
Portrait mode for iPadOS (iPad Pro 12.9′′)
Default settings (DoubleColumnNavigationViewStyle) | DoubleColumnNavigationViewStyle | StackNavigationViewStyle |
![]() |
The default style is the same. | ![]() |
iPadOS (iPad Pro 12.9′′) in landscape mode
Default settings (DoubleColumnNavigationViewStyle) | DoubleColumnNavigationViewStyle | StackNavigationViewStyle |
![]() |
The default style is the same. | ![]() |
Note the button that hides the navigation. |
macOS, tvOS, and watchOS are Apple’s operating systems.
For bigger devices, sidebars are an essential element of the UI design (available for iOS, iPadOS and macOS). Check out for more information.
The.listStyle(SidebarListStyle()) modification on a List may be used to quickly create a sidebar:
var body: some struct SidebarView: View Check out the list { “What’s New,” systemImage: “wand.and.stars”) Label(“What’s New,” systemImage: “wand.and.stars”) Labeling (“Messages”, systemImage: “message”) Labeling (“List”, systemImage: “list.bullet.rectangle”) Text(“Personal”)) section(header) Labeling (“Settings”, systemImage: “gearshape”) Labeling (“Account”, systemImage: “”) Section(header: Text(“Very Personal SubMenu”)) section(header: Text(“Very Personal SubMenu”)) section(header: Text( Labeling (“Secret Stuff”, systemImage: “”) Label(“Very Secret Stuff”, systemImage: “lasso.sparkles”),.listStyle(SidebarListStyle()),.navigationTitle(“My Sidebar”),.listStyle(SidebarListStyle()),.navigationTitle(“My Sidebar”),.navigationTitle(“My Sidebar”),.navigationTitle(“My Sidebar”),.navigationTitle(“
You may add section headers to a sidebar so that the user can collapse and extend parts using disclosure indicators.
To make our app function with a sidebar, we just need to make a few minor modifications. To begin, set SidebarView as the default view:
SwiftUI SplitViewNavDemoApp: App @main struct SwiftUI SplitViewNavDemoApp: var body: some Scene WindowGroup / ContentView() SidebarView() var body: some var body: some var body: some var body: some var body: some var body: some var body: some var body: some var body: some var
Now we’ll change SidebarView to specify the app’s NavigationView. Take note of how we transition from ListView to NavigationView using a NavigationView:
SidebarView is a struct that represents a view in a sidebar. var body: a few View NavViewList is a navigation view that displays a list of items. (destination: Text(“What’s New”)) NavigationLink(destination: Text(“What’s New”)) label(“What’s New”, systemImage: “wand.and.stars”) label(“What’s New”, systemImage: “wand.and.stars”) label(“What’s New”, system destination: Text(“Messages”)) NavigationLink(destination: Text(“Messages”)) NavigationLink(destination: Text(“Messages Label(“Messages”, systemImage: “message”) Label(“Messages”, systemImage: “message”) Label(“Messages”, systemImage: “message”) Label (destination: ListView()) NavigationLink Label(“List”, systemImage: “list.bullet.rectangle”) Label(“List”, systemImage: “list.bullet.rectangle”) Label(“List”, systemImage: “list.bullet.rect Text(“Personal”)) section(header) Labeling (“Settings”, systemImage: “gearshape”) Labeling (“Account”, systemImage: “”) Section(header: Text(“Very Personal SubMenu”)) section(header: Text(“Very Personal SubMenu”)) section(header: Text( .listStyle(SidebarListStyle()).navigationTitle(“My Sidebar”) Label(“Secret Stuff”, systemImage: “”) Label(“Very Secret Stuff”, systemImage: “lasso.sparkles”) ListView is a struct that allows you to see a list of items. var colors: [Color] = [.red,.green,.blue,.yellow,.green,.blue,.yellow,.yellow,.yellow,.yellow,.yellow,.yellow,.yellow .purple] body variable: some View ForEach in a List (1…5, id: .self) val in NavigationLink(destination: ViewLevel2(linkText: String(val), color: colors[val-1]) Text(“Link(val)”).font(.largeTitle).foregroundColor(colors[val-1]).padding() val in NavigationLink(destination: ViewLevel2(linkText: String(val), color: colors[val-1]) val in NavigationLink(destination: ViewLevel2(linkTex
ViewLevel2 is the destination of all navigation links in ListView.
As a result, we have the following logical arrangement:
The following is the appearance of our app with a sidebar:
Portrait mode on iOS (iPhone 12 Pro Max)
Landscape (iOS) (iPhone 12 Pro Max)
Portrait mode for iPadOS (iPad Pro 12.9′′)
iPadOS (iPad Pro 12.9′′) in landscape mode
We may use a TabbedPageView to provide the user with a set of pages (or tabs):
var body: some struct TabbedPageView: View View Text(“Hello, world!”).font TabView VStack (.largeTitle). Image(systemName: “face.smiling.fill”) padding() resizable() is a function that allows you to resize your window. frame(150 x 150 px, 150 px, 150 px, 150 px, 150 px, 150 p foregroundColor(.yellow) is the color of the foreground. tabItem Text(“Tab1”) Text(“Hello, world2!”).tabItem Text(“Tab2”) Text(“Hello, world3!”).tabItem Text(“Tab3”) Text(“Hello, world4″!”).tabItem Text(“Tab4”).tabViewStyle(DefaultTabViewStyle()) / To show tabs, use PageTabViewStyle() or DefaultTa indexViewStyle(PageIndexViewStyle(backgroundDisplayMode:.always)) indexViewStyle(PageIndexViewStyle(backgroundDisplayMode:.always)) indexViewStyle(PageIndexViewStyle(backgroundDisplayMode
Use the following code to integrate it with our sidebar app:
var body: some struct SidebarView: View : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : (destination: TabbedPageView()) NavigationLink Label(“Messages”, systemImage: “message”):::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
When you run the program, you get the following results:
Portrait mode on iOS (iPhone 12 Pro Max)
Landscape (iOS) (iPhone 12 Pro Max)
TabView on macOS does not support any of these features. DefaultTabViewStyle() or tabViewStyle(DefaultTabViewStyle()) such that just tabs are displayed: indexViewStyle(PageIndexViewStyle(backgroundDisplayMode:.always))
The parts of an app design are the different styles that can be used when developing a multi-platform app. The most common styles are the iOS style and the Android style.
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- cross platform design system
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- material design navigation
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